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Monday, July 19, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Daaamn girl, YOU GOT BALLS. Now have a little respect you effing loser.
Full story here:
Criggity-craaazy. In our society today where Big Brother is always watching?! Really Lindsay? Really?! That was a dumb move and totally ballsy. All I have to say is good luck in prison... chicks really have balls up in dat. They might be made of Elastomer and attached with a belt, but shit girl, they gonna be clappin you in the clink! HAHAHAHAH. I crack myself up.
Remember the horror movie "With Teeth?" Well it is now a reality.
Story from
It's true. Your vagina can have teeth. The best part is that it's like a Chinese finger trap for a penis - once it goes in, it doesn't come out. It's painful and the raper has to go to the ER to remove it. YES! Embarrassment AND conviction of rape all wrapped into one.
The only scary part is the chicks that will use this as a weapon instead of for protection. Men... check the cave before entry.
Caught with her pants down and her cat on her chest... and dead.
Wow, I guess it truly IS possible to die having sex. Or masturbating to porn for that matter. Poor thing, she must be so embarrassed. Oh wait, she's probably not since she's dead... And how about the cat? I like to think that if I died my cat Linus would give me CPR and not just sit on my chest. Also, I'd rather die having sex WITH someone rather than alone watching porn with a vibrator... I guess the lesson is this: MASTURBATE WITH A FRIEND.
Great, now I have to keep this in mind while I'm watching 4chan. And if you don't know what that is, don't find out. It's the bowels of the internet. Seriously.
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